I have been watching videos on the zettelkasten method recently, and while I don’t want to have that for my own notes, there are a few things I could take away from it.

For one, I have done some research on obsidians’ special tags, and they have a lot more features that I am not fully utilizeing. Tags in obsidian can have folders, eg parent and child tags. Something like #seed/cars/corvette(where seed is a atomic idea) would be considered a thought tag, but it would also have options to be finer tuned to a specific subset of thoughts, like cars, or the corvette. Not an insane feature, but I want to write it down so I think about it!

On that subject, I want to use the idea of the Atomic Note more effectively. Essentially, any single random idea that I would otherwise put in my private kanban board General Scheduler(you cant access this!), I can instead make an atomic note for those random ideas(some will be private, some will not, and they will still be listed in the scheduler).
