Recall that is orthogonal to the level curves/surfaces.
- This function has the level surfaces where K is constant
- Let C be any curve on the level surface
- Suppose C is parameterized by some vector function
If this is the case, then we can say something like:
We can use the chain rule here to find the of both sides
Applying this onto our tree diagram method:
graph TD f --> x f --> y f --> z x --> tx z --> tz y --> ty
Setting up the equation:
Putting this in unit vector form:
Which finally yields the key equation:
Important Information
Key Formula
Where the key formula is
What This Tells Us
This key formula tells us the the gradient vector(at any point) is orthogonal to the tangent vector (at the same point) to any curve on the surface passing through that point.
Result of this action: is a normal vector for the tangent plane.
For the surface , the tangent plane at the point is:
Which then yields:
Tangent Line to Curve of Intersection of Surfaces
Find the tangent line to curve of intersection of: