This document serves as a reflection on the process and design choices for my neural network. The code uses PyTorch to build and train a regression model to predict housing prices based on the California Housing dataset. Here’s a deeper analysis of its components:
1. Dataset And Preprocessing
The dataset used is the California Housing dataset from sklearn.datasets
. The preprocessing steps include:
- Normalization: The features are normalized using
to ensure that each feature has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. This helps the network converge faster. - Train-Test Split: The dataset is split into training (80%) and testing (20%) data using
2. Device Management
The code handles device management effectively:
- It checks for Apple M1’s Metal Performance Shaders (MPS) for GPU acceleration, then defaults to CUDA or CPU based on availability.
- Users can choose between “cpu”, “cuda”, or “mps” for the device during runtime.
3. Neural Network Architecture
The model, HousingModel
, is a fully connected feedforward neural network consisting of three layers with batch normalization, leaky ReLU activations, and dropout.
Layers Overview:
Input Layer (fc1): The input layer takes the 8 normalized features from the dataset and passes them through a fully connected layer with 64 neurons.
Batch Normalization (bn1): Applied after the first fully connected layer, batch normalization normalizes the outputs to stabilize training and reduce internal covariate shift.
Activation (LeakyReLU): Leaky ReLU is used as the activation function, allowing for small negative values in the output, avoiding the dying ReLU problem.
Dropout (dropout1): Dropout with a rate of 0.3 is applied to prevent overfitting by randomly turning off 30% of the neurons in this layer during training.
Second Layer (fc2): A second fully connected layer maps from 64 to 32 neurons, followed by batch normalization and another Leaky ReLU activation.
Output Layer (fc3): The final output layer maps the 32 neurons to a single output (the predicted house price).
Key Design Choices:
- Leaky ReLU is preferred over standard ReLU to maintain small gradients for negative inputs, preventing neurons from becoming inactive during training.
- Batch Normalization is applied after each linear layer to speed up convergence and allow for higher learning rates.
- Dropout is used to regularize the network and mitigate overfitting.
4. Loss Function and Optimizer
- Loss Function: The loss function chosen is Mean Squared Error (MSE), appropriate for this regression task.
- Optimizer: Adam optimizer with a learning rate of
is selected. Adam is a widely used optimizer due to its adaptive learning rate, making it a good default choice for most deep learning problems.
5. Training Process
The training loop uses a typical structure:
- Batching: The data is loaded into batches of size 64 using a
, which is efficient for training. - Gradient Descent: For each batch, the model’s gradients are calculated and optimized using the Adam optimizer.
- Loss Calculation: The mean squared error is computed at each step, and the loss is printed for every epoch to track progress.
6. Prediction Process
The model includes a simple prediction function:
- During prediction, the model is set to evaluation mode using
, which disables dropout and batch normalization behavior meant for training. - Predictions are made on a random test sample, comparing the predicted house price with the actual value.
7. File Management
The code includes mechanisms to save and load the model’s weights:
- Saving: After training, the model’s weights are saved to a file,
. - Loading: When training is initiated again, the code attempts to load the existing weights from
to resume training from the last checkpoint.
8. User Interaction
The program allows the user to interact via a simple menu system:
- Train: Trains the model for a specified number of epochs, saving the model at the end.
- Predict: Makes predictions using a random sample from the test set.
- Exit: Stops the program.
This model is a straightforward, well-architected neural network for a regression task. Key architectural elements, like batch normalization, Leaky ReLU, and dropout, enhance performance and generalization. The code demonstrates good practices in device management, model saving/loading, and user interaction, making it both efficient and user-friendly for a relatively small dataset.