Let’s start with an example equation for this concept.

Imagine an equation for modeling the perceived temperature, where several variables are responsible for predicting the temperature.


  • Z is the perceived temperature
  • T is the temperature
  • H is the humidity
  • W is the wind chill

But what if the arguments themselves are determined by the other arguments? What if Humidity was determined by Temperature and Pressure?


  • P is pressure
  • V is wind velocity

This is where the multivariable chain rule would come in handy.

Chain Rule: Case I

Lets make be defined by two parametric functions and


If , and , , find

Applying the chain rule:

Plugging in the numbers:


Chain Rule: Algorithm

Let’s start with a tree diagram( should be familiar as a CS student)

Tree Diagram

graph TD
    z --> x
    z --> y
    x --> S["𝓈"]
    x --> t["t"]
    y --> s["𝓈"]
    y --> t2["t"]

How do we use this tree diagram?

Let’s take a look at an exmaple:


If , , , , find

Applying the tree method:

\frac{dw}{ds} = w_{x}x_