Student Information

Ewan Pedersen CS2210 10 • 09 • 2024

6. Add a yellow LED that is ON while the red LED is OFF (alternating LEDs). Take a picture of your completed circuit on the breadboard, connected to your pi.


7. What is the current in milliamps?

Ohm’s Law:

Red LED:

Plugging in values:

Yellow LED:

Plugging in values:


8. Use (free account with a .edu email address), or to create a circuit diagram of your final circuit (with both LEDs). Take a screenshot of your diagram.

You can’t see it from the screenshot, but the glow follows your cursor as you hover over the card.


Completed Code from Steps 5 and 6

Since I am on a Raspberry Pi 5 and not 4, the code had to be changed a bit during troubleshooting, so might be a bit unconventional.

Step 5:


Step 6:
