Polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates area form of substitution in multiple integrals. Let’s recall how Polar works:
If is a polar region,
We know the area element is . The integration limits, and , correspond to a rectangle in the -plane.
In this document, we will learn how to find the area element/volume element, also known as the Jacobian Determinant, in the general case where the change of variable is given by .
Deriving the Area Element
Suppose the rectangular region , in the uv-plane corresponds to some integration region in the xy-plane under the substitution , .
The rectangle with dimensions (the red square in the figure) in the uv-plane corresponds to a patch (the red parallelogram) in the xy-plane.
Suppose the red rectangle has bottom-left corner . Suppose the point is obtained by . Along the bottom line of the rectangle, varies and is held constant; this corresponds to the vector curve , where varies from to .
We can approximate the segment of shown in the figure by the vector .
By definition of the derivative:
Similarly, the segment of the vector curve is approximated by the vector , because along this curve we let vary and hold constant.
The area element is the area of the patch:
Adding up the area elements and sending the number of elements to infinity yields the result:
Change of Variable in Double Integrals
Suppose the region in the uv-plane is mapped to the region in the xy-plane by , . Then:
Where means the absolute value of .
- We need to assume continuity of and the partial derivatives ,
- The quantity is called the Jacobian Determinant, which we can call . In 2D, we have:
The Jacobian “stretches” the rectangle to create the area element.
- If the Jacobian is negative, we take its absolute value in the integral ( the area element is positive)
Evaluate the integral , where is the trapezoidal region with vertices
A suitable change of variable appears to be ,
To sketch the integration region in the uv-plane: Observe that in the xy-plane, and . Therefore, we can range from to .
Bounds on u: We need to understand how maps to the uv-plane under the change of variable. We have already seen that the boundary lines and are constants. What about the other boundary line?
If , then and , so , where because
If , and , so , where because