I am sure we are all aware of how language models like GPT have taken off in recent years. They have opened up a world of possibilities through the medium of natural language, with a lot of opportunity to rework/replace a lot of software defined natural language tools.
The idea of voice assistants have always interested me. We have all seen movies like Iron Man where these advanced, human-like voice assistants interact with people very naturally.
What is DARS?
DARS is a home assistant that combines the natural language interpretation capabilities of Large Language Models with discrete, programmatic output so that it can be used to control/activate functions in a room.
This includes
Managing home appliances and lights
Interacting with local files for a notetaking/todolist system
Routing your song request to spotify to play it
Managing software, like a web server / site
Beyond its functionality, DARS also features:
Voice synthesis to clone the voice of TARS from Interstellar
Custom, fine tuned personality via local model
Local speech recognition
Humor Setting ( and maybe a discretion one! )
How Does It Work?
- Voice Synthesis, Recognition, and (parts of) local LLM run on Coral TPU Ai Accelerator
- What can’t be run on device is run via cloud
Language Model Generates formatted json to run functions
- Provides arguments and is pre-prompted on when to call functions
Function calls are either run on Pi ( note taker, humor setter) or sent to the Master ESP-32
- Master can connect to several other ESP-32’s to control room device power
Hardware Architecture
flowchart TD subgraph DARS Hardware B[Raspberry Pi] L[Coral Neural TPU] I[GPIO & ESP32] Z[SSD - Network Attached Storage] end A[Microphone Input ] --> B B -->|Audio Input| C[Speech Recognition Model Convert to Text ] C --> B B --> Z B --> L[Coral Neural TPU Run LLM Inference ] L -->|Text Output| E[Generate JSON Output] L -->|Audio Response| F[Speech Synthesis Model Convert to Audio ] F --> B B --> G[Speaker Output to User ] E -->|JSON Data| H[Langroid Stack Process JSON for Function Calls ] H --> B B -->|GPIO Signal| I I -->|ESP32 #1| J[Transmit to ESP32 #2] J --> K[Control Device e.g., Lights ]
Photo And Video Gallery
See DARS Media Gallery for some photos through the development process!
See DARS for a video demonstration!