1. Problem Definition

  • Identify the Task: Determine whether the problem is classification, regression, clustering, or another type of problem.
    • Example: Is it a linear classification problem, or does it require more complex modeling?
  • Determine the Output: Define what the model should predict (e.g., binary output, categorical labels, continuous values).

2. Data Collection & Preparation

  • Collect Data: Gather the dataset(s) needed for the task.
  • Explore and Understand the Data:
    • Visualize data distributions and relationships.
    • Identify missing values or outliers.
  • Data Cleaning:
    • Handle missing data (e.g., imputation, removal).
    • Remove or handle outliers.
  • Data Preprocessing:
    • Normalization/Standardization: Decide if data needs to be normalized or standardized based on the model type.
    • Encoding Categorical Variables: Convert categorical data into numerical values using methods like one-hot encoding.
    • Feature Engineering: Create or select features that will improve model performance.

3. Splitting the Data

  • Train-Test Split: Divide the data into training and testing sets (commonly 80/20 or 70/30 splits).
  • Validation Set: Optionally, further split the training set into training and validation sets to fine-tune model parameters.

4. Model Selection

  • Choose a Model Type:
    • Linear Models: For simple linear relationships.
    • Deep Neural Networks (DNN): For more complex tasks.
    • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN): For image data.
    • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN): For sequential data.
  • Select Architecture:
    • Input Layer: Match the number of neurons to the number of input features.
    • Hidden Layers: Determine the number of hidden layers and neurons in each based on problem complexity.
    • Activation Functions: Choose appropriate activation functions (e.g., ReLU, Sigmoid, Softmax).
    • Output Layer: Define based on the type of task (e.g., single neuron for binary classification, softmax for multi-class classification).

5. Model Compilation

  • Choose Loss Function: Select an appropriate loss function (e.g., cross-entropy for classification, mean squared error for regression).
  • **Select