Very simple generated markdown reference for REGEX Pattern Matching Shorthands and whatnot.

Basic Syntax

.Matches any character except a newline
^Start of a line
$End of a line
*Matches 0 or more of the preceding character
+Matches 1 or more of the preceding character
?Matches 0 or 1 of the preceding character
{n}Matches exactly n occurrences
{n,}Matches n or more occurrences
{n,m}Matches between n and m occurrences
\Escapes special characters

Character Classes

[abc]Matches a, b, or c
[^abc]Matches any character except a, b, or c
[a-z]Matches any lowercase letter
[A-Z]Matches any uppercase letter
[0-9]Matches any digit
\dMatches any digit (same as [0-9])
\DMatches any non-digit
\wMatches any word character (letters, numbers, underscore)
\WMatches any non-word character
\sMatches any whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines)
\SMatches any non-whitespace

Groups & References

(abc)Capturing group
(?:abc)Non-capturing group
\1, \2Backreferences to captured groups
(?<name>abc)Named capturing group
\k<name>Reference to named group

Assertions & Anchors

^Start of line
$End of line
\bWord boundary
\BNot a word boundary
(?=abc)Positive lookahead
(?!abc)Negative lookahead
(?<=abc)Positive lookbehind (not all regex engines support this)
(?<!abc)Negative lookbehind

Special Obsidian Use Cases

\[\[.*?\]\]Matches Obsidian wiki-style links [[Link]]
!\[.*?\]\(.*?\)Matches embedded images ![](image.png)
#\w+Matches a hashtag #tag
- \[ \]Matches an empty checkbox - [ ]
- \[x\]Matches a completed checkbox - [x]


\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}Dates in YYYY-MM-DD format
#[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+Obsidian tags
!\[.*?\]\(.*?\)Embedded images
\[\[(.*?)\]\]Wiki links and captures link text

This sheet should help with most regex-related tasks in Obsidian, whether searching, replacing, or structuring notes!