I was reading through the creator of the Quartz static site generator’s own garden which ( appears to ) uses the zettelkasten method for note taking.
As someone who is trying to get into the idea of taking “atomic” notes, I liked how he didn’t just have the “idea” tag, and instead had a few divisions according to the development state of said note.
That being said, I want to try and adopt something similar, with a few subdivisions for the state of my atomic notes
Keep in mind, these will only apply for my “thoughts” directory, and thus have no affect on my big project clusters and whatnot.
The most rudimentary and basic note. These notes are fresh, random ideas that pop into my head at a moments notice, and I just have to write them down. These will often just stay in this state, but eventually some might be returned to and developed further into the next stage.
I will oftentimes use seeds for things that I don’t really know what I want to do with, but feel the desire to right down. This will be youtube videos, ideas on a whim, and articles/books that I read.
A more developed note. These will be concepts that I have started to return to a few times, and thus might have its own children seed notes stemming off of it.
This is the final stage of a note if it ever grows to this size. It won’t be common, and most saplings will never reach this stage. For big, expansive ideas or concepts, and will serve something like an index page for other saplings, seeds, and fruit
Fruit are new and novel concepts that stem off pre-existing ideas. These don’t just form on a whim, they will come from a existing knowledge tree, where new and novel results come from. Think of this like the result blog post for a long and ongoing project.
Another borrowed idea, although not to be used in the same way.