For the first exam, you should be prepared to

  • answer questions about definitions, properties, and behaviors of DFAs, NFAs, and GNFAs,
  • determine whether a string is in the language of some finite automaton,
  • design a DFA or NFA given some language (which may or may not involve closure properties),
  • determine the language of a given DFA or NFA,
  • determine if a string matches a given regular expression,
  • convert a given NFA to an equivalent DFA using subset construction algorithm, and
  • recover a regular expression from a finite automaton using state elimination.


We will get proofs, oftentimes by oconstruction:


We would be asked to prove that L is regular

  • this would be proof by construction of a finite automaton

NFAs/DFAs Transition

An epsilon transition (ε-transition) in a finite automaton is a transition between states that occurs without consuming any input symbol. This means the automaton can move from one state to another “for free,” without reading a character from the input string.

Given a NFA:

	Direction LR
	[*] --> q0
	q0 --> q1:ε
	q0 --> q2:ε
	q2 --> q3:ε

Looks like the following DFA:

	[*] --> q0
	[*] --> q1
	[*] --> q2
	[*] --> q3

Formal Definition

Given a state diagram machine :

	Direction LR
	[*] --> A
	A --> B:0
	A --> C:1
	B --> B:0
	B --> C:1
	C --> A:0,1
	C --> [*]


    classDef accepting fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2;

We have a 5 tuple:




For this we can make a table


or with equations:


just the start state

(always a set, accepting states):

State Elimination

Say we have the following unpruned DFA:

	Direction LR
	[*] --> A
	A --> B:0
	B --> B:0
	B --> C:1
	C --> C:0
	C --> A:1

We want to recover an equivalent regex using state elimination

RIP states in the order

  1. Construct GNFA
	Direction LR
	[*] --> S
	S --> A:ε
	A --> B:0
	B --> B:0
	B --> C:1
	B --> accept:ε
	C --> C:0
	C --> A:1

Let’s start RIPPING:




Closure Properties of Regular Languages

Theorem: The class of regular languages is closed under the union operation. That is, if languages and are regular, then is regular.

Theorem: The class of regular languages is closed under the concatenation operation. That is, if languages and are regular, then is regular.

Theorem: The class of regular languages is closed under the Kleene star operation. That is, if language is regular, then is regular.

Theorem: the class of regular languages is closed under the reversal operation. That is, if language is regular, then is regular.

Theorem: The class of regular languages is closed under complementation. That is, if language is regular, then is regular.

NFAs and DFAs Equivalent

Theorem: Every nondeterministic finite automaton has an equivalent deterministic finite automaton. (This is proven using subset construction.)

Corollary: A language is regular if and only if some nondeterministic finite automaton recognizes it.

Definition of a Regular Expression

We say that is a regular expression if is:

  1. for some in the alphabet
  2. , the empty string
  3. , the empty language
  4. , where and are regular expressions
  5. , where and are regular expressions, or
  6. , where is a regular expression