This class will finish our discussion on Shrinking from last class, and then will begin the discussion on Linear Independence.
Shrinking Continued
Let’s begin with a list of vectors:
The shrinking process involves taking the matrix of this list of vectors:
And then we find the RREF, nothing the values of . (we will also note the values of -1 in the 3rd column)
We are dumping this matrix into MATLAB with zero intent of actually solving the linear system.
Taking the 3rd vector out of the matrix:
Since the 5th vector also has negatives, we take that one out as well:
We are left with the surviving 3 vectors:
Finding the RREF of the matrix of these 3 vectors:
This List is now UNSHRINKABLE
Given a list of vectors in :
- is unshrinkable: no vector in a linear combination of previous vectors in the list
- is irredundant: no vector in the list in a linear combination of the others
- The homogeneous system only has the trivial solution ,
- linear independence
A basis for a subsapce of in a linear independent list of vectors that spans
For example, the list of vectors:
is a basis for
This rule is true for any list of vectors that spans .
Consider the subsapce of solutions to the homogeneous system:
Let’s start by defining the variables
Basic Solutions:
Check for independence:
Solving for these vectors: