This day will discuss regular expressions, and their equivalence to NFAs/DFAs. We will also look at a new state elimination algorithm

Regular Expressions

If you are involved with computer science in any way, you have probably heard of Regex and whatnot to recognize certain patterns within a string.

  • every Regex describes a regular language, where
    • language is a set of strings
    • matched strings in “language”
    • unmatched ” are not!

A regex automata would look something like:

Every regex has an equivalent DFA/NFA

Lets create a formal definition.

Formal Definition of Regex

  • - union - which means
  • - kleene star - 0 or more occurrences of a “starred” expression ,

Definition: we say that R is a regex if:

  • R is a variable for some , ex. where 0 is regex
  • R is
  • r is empty language

These are all the base cases

Let’s look at some features of a regex:

  • where both regexs’
  • ” ” ” "" ” ”
  • where is a regex
  • where is a regex
    • what this means is that it is the same as but with removed

Something new… GNFAs

Generalized Nondeterministic Finite Automaton

A GNFAs is a new type of automata that is used to convert a regex into an NFA. It is a generalization of NFAs and DFAs.

A typical NFA has a set of states, a set of transitions, and a set of accepting states. A GNFAs is similar, but it has a set of transitions that are labeled with regular expressions instead of single symbols.

Representation of a GNFAs: