The exams will cover the following topics:
- Can you even RREF?
- reduced echelon form
- elementary operations
- Vector / Matrix Algebra
- Matrix-Matrix multiplication
- Matrix - vector multiplication
- Dot product
- vector matrix addition
- consine law
- orthogonality
- length of a vector
- scalar multiplication
- matrix transpose
- Basic solutions of homogeneous systems:
- span
- linear independence
- bases
- shrinking
- dimension
- subspaces
- Back substitution
- First/lead varaibles
- Linear combination
- superposiiton principle
- consistent/inconsistent
- trivial solution
- impossible/redundant equations
- matrix notation
- particular and homogeneous
- Systems of linear equations
- basic solutions
- consistent/inconsistent
- particular + homogeneous
- free/lead variables
- back substitution
- matrix notation
- Span
- span
- linear combinations
- subspaces
- Linear Independence
- linear independence
- bases
- dimension
- shrinking