While the idea of health might not be a hobby as per se, I have recently come to start really valuing my health throughout my life. But what really sold me is once I gave tiny big of effort into improving my health for the better, I saw drastic improvements in my quality of life and overall happiness, and that has motivated me to continue further on.

Why I Care

A lot of you may know that my right lung suffered a spontaneous lung collapse a few years back. While I have mostly recovered from the effects of that accident, it really scared the hell out of me, and shocked me into action.

Beyond my own personal opinions, I was also faced with the fact that this injury was directly caused by my body shape, essentially, that being very thin and tall greatly increases the risk of a lung collapse. I was assigned a physical therapist and nutritionist, who both agreed that I had to put on some weight and muscle/strength to prevent this from happening again.

That kickstarted a self improvement journey regarding fitness, and that has eventually led to me adopting all things health after I felt the benefits firsthand. I now eat healthier, get better sleep, and enact a rigorous morning routine for my vitamins, skin, and teeth.

How I Am Enacting This in My Life

I hinted on this above, but the big thing is adopting a consistent, full routine. This is the basic things, like my class schedule, working out in the morning, general good habits.

I have also started to care about what I eat. I have practically never done this in my life, as I have always had quite a high metabolism.

A lot of this has been taking inspiration from other people. While his methods are sometimes a little extreme, I have a huge amount of respect for Brian Johnson and people like him, who are putting themselves forward as a guinea pig and publishing the findings free of charge for the rest of us to benefit from. Brian takes it to the extreme since he has dedicated his life to health and has quite a bit of capital behind him, but real lessons and improvements can be extracted from his findings at a fraction of the cost. Most of his ideas and habits are all but free to enact!