Let’s say that we have 2 discrete random variables .

Therefore, we say that:


Joint Probability Functions

A joint probability function is a function that gives the probability of 2 events happening at the same time.

This is a probability mass function.

Joint Cumulative Distribution Function

A joint cumulative distribution function is a function that gives the probability of 2 events happening at the same time, but in a cumulative way.

Conditional Probability Mass Function

A conditional probability mass function is a function that gives the probability of an event happening given that another event has happened.

And thus:



Random Employee Hiring. Ten students apply for a job opening, but only 1 of the students will be selected. The employer chooses randomly; all ten outcomes are equally likely. If person 3,5,7, or 8 gets the job, let ; otherwise . If person 1,2,3,4, or 5 gets the job, let ; otherwise . Are and independent random variables?

  1. Find the mass of and the mass of
  1. Find the join of and






  1. Use to determine independence

Are independent RV’s?

Let’s check

Given Joint Probability Mass Function…

Calculate mass of 1 variable

and so on for the Y variables…

Given Joint Mass, Caculate CDF…



and so on for F(1,0), F(1,1)